Spinach Crepe Rolls with Smoked Salmon and Potato Cream

Inspired by a tempting smell of smoked food. Mashed potato, salmon, and spinach make a decent classical dinner plate for the fish lovers. The recipe you are about to explore has all three components, except that a dinner concept is transformed into an appetizer. The gorgeous look (forgive my pride) of the appetizer gets all…

Butter Dough Rolls with Swiss Chard, Pine nuts, and Apricots

Inspired by lazinessĀ  Butter dough rolls are a lazy version of the Russian mini pies “Piroshki”. The idea is to make one big long roll with a filling, slice it into pieces, bake them and enjoy. Soft and pliable dough, thanks to butter and milk fats, is a pure joy to work with. And no…

Buckwheat Waffles with Š° Chocolate Hazelnut Spread

Inspired by Dutch Stroopwafels It is hard to miss a stroopwafel in the Netherlands once your visit the country. Every Saturday farmer markets have them freshly baked. Every supermarket has them on any day of the week. Stroopwafel is delicious. Gouda city residents claim a first stroopwafel was baked in one of their town bakeries…